
Stemarga Pathfinder

We provide you with the best curriculum

Many of the teens do not have clarity on which college major or career path to pursue. High Schools focus significantly on completing the state-mandated curriculum and do not have the bandwidth to spend quality time talking to each student and explaining various 21st-century career choices. As days/months progress, students either lose confidence or make snap decisions based on cursory knowledge of careers.

These choices make a lifelong difference for your kids in being motivated, finding career satisfaction, having good earning potential, and most importantly to align their purpose with their occupations.

Stemarga’s Unique approach

Students get an in-depth overview of 40+ career choices every year

  • Information about top rated universities for these college majors
  • Extracurricular activities aligned with career choices
  • Help on standardized tests & College application process
  • Essay writing skills that highlight this interest
Pathfinder does
Soft Skills Emphasized
Analytical and Critical Thinking skills
Project Management
How stemarga works

Courses Session